ank likhana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
You have learnt earlier that the mean Q score in the population is 100.
The respondent's stress score is the weighted sum of all the items/life change events in the past one year checked by her/him.
But the question for which I awarded the highest score came from a labourer digging a hole in the street.
Transliterated examples :
1. In foreign policy, real democracy, good Republican, remains devoid of continuity and mind on allowing aristocrats and monarchs to score a political goal (MAURRAS, Kiel and Tangier, 1914, p 2. In March 1842, Glinka finally submits his score the Imperial Theatres, who accept without reservation 3. It is a style of writing that puts above all the independence and originality of each of the real parts of the score 4. lowest score (4 p 100 5. That same year, sixty-five ships were on active duty, four unarmed, and a score on orderGiven are the examples of hindi word ank likhana usage in english sentences. The examples of ank likhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., score.
The mean Q score in a population is 100.
You have learnt earlier that the mean Q score in the population is 100.
The respondent's stress score is the weighted sum of all the items/life change events in the past one year checked by her/him.
But the question for which I awarded the highest score came from a labourer digging a hole in the street.